Tom Klem Excommunicated from Stan Vaughan's Nevada Chess Group

The latest issue of Zugzwang, Stan Vaughan's chess publication, reveals that Stan's most ardent supporter, Tom Klem, has been excommunicated from Stan Vaughan's group. Tom, who was the president of Vaughan's Nevada State Chess Association, Inc., has been defrocked, kicked out and generally given the boot by Stan.

The July-August issue of Zugzwang lists a wide range of high crimes and misdemeanors allegedly committed by Tom Klem, including "unauthorized request to the secretary of all records required to be kept by secretary" and "discovery that the legal situation has over $7,000 of debt, with no plans as to how to retire debt". Stan Vaughan is the secretary.

On August 7, 1998, the District Court Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada in Case No. A369674, ordered Stan Vaughan not to continue to assert that his organization was affiliated with the United States Chess Federation and not to claim to be authorized to use USCF affiliate number #T6009686.

Nevertheless, Vaughan has continued to claim that his organization is affiliated with the USCF and that his events are USCF rated. He has also continued to use USCF affiliate number #T6009686.

For example, his advertisement for what he calls the "1998 Nevada Closed Chess Championship" held on October 2-4, 1998 in Las Vegas says that the event will be USCF rated under USCF affiliate number #T6009686.

This raises the question: Will the USCF now move to put Stan Vaughan in jail because of his violation of the court injunction?

Zugzwang also claims that Stan Vaughan is an "WCCF International GM". However, the International Correspondence Chess Federation has no record of any grandmaster named Stan Vaughan.

Sam Sloan

In private e-mail to Sam Sloan, Tom Klem has admitted that Stan Vaughan kicked him out. Klem writes:

Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 18:14:11 -0700
From: "Tom Klem" ( )
Subject: Re: Have you been Kicked out from Stan Vaughan's group

Hi Sam,

Yup, kicked clean out. How about that, the most vocal defender (for the better part of four years) of the most hated man in Chess, and what does he get for his effort?

Oh well, I guess you all were right.

Thomas J. Klem
ex-President of the Nevada State Chess Association, Inc.

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